Job Oriented Course in Banking, Finance And Accounts sector

Money Matters and Manageemnt of Money matters more …

Join our Job Oriented Course Now.

Everything related to money including Accounts, banking, finance & data etc is part of this vertical.

Courses in Highest Demand

Jobs Point

“Learning from the data is actually universally valuable. Master it and you will be welcomed anywhere in technology world.”

Banking Diploma

Bank is the dream job these days and Samyak prepared this course with HR and Bankers for students to learn what they need to for Banking Job.

Certified Industrial Accountant

An Industry need accountant with lot of skills and all those are covered well and comprehensive after close discussion with HRs.


MNC and Big Industry has many people and many resources as well as enteries as well as locatio, Only SP-FICO works well for them.

Commercial Accountant

Learn everything that you want to learn as an accountant from Commercial point of view, Very Comprehensive Course.

Tally + GST

In India, if someone want job in 2.5 months, this is the quickest way to get through. Demand is so high that there is always vacancies. And When its by Approved Tally Instititution of Bangaolore, You are always furst to get job.


When data is huge and transactions are so many, everyone in senior management need to know the top level managed visual data. MIS is the answer.

DCA Diploma

First Job or Back Office job need certain skills that must be acquired depending upon industry. Many vacancies list these skills and are covered in single Diploma Course.

DOAP Diploma

Diploma in Office Automation & Publishing is an advanced Diploma from DCA, having Publishing and Digital Marketing fundamental included.


Logics and some Programming concepts by PHP - Easy & Powerful. PHP Syntax & Coding is too easy to learn.


Open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.

Entry Point and Survivals

Microsoft Technologies

It's not what you achieve, it's what you overcome. That's what defines your career.

Basic Excel

No business exist without Microsoft Excel, This is where any job or interview stars.

Advanced Excel

Accounting or Data intensive jobs need in depth knowledge of capabilities and tools provided by MS Excel.

VBA Excel Macro

Macros are provided to automate everything in Excel, Data keep popping up and once automated your Dashboard view or workflow is self done.

MS Office

MS Office includes practical knowledge in Word, Excel & Powerpoint , that is entry point for any job worldwide.

MS Project

For a Project Manager with a big team, big scope and lot of resources, MS Project is a tool to manage everything in well advance and make sure that releases go smooth.

Where the SEAL Matters

Govt Courses

Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program

O' Level Diploma

Nielit (earlier known as DOEACC) is Govt organization issuing Diploma for Computer Literacy, valid for all Govt Jobs.


Universities (Govt Approved) provide this 12 month course to any Graduate and has high value in market.


Govt. Of Rajasthan with RKCL and VMOU issues certificates for Computer literacy course after an exam after 4-6 months of enrollment. Valid for all State Govt Jobs.


Nielit (earlier known as DOEACC) issues certificates for Computer literacy course after an exam after 3-4 months of enrollment. Valid for all India level Govt Jobs.


A quick certification from Nielit (earlier known as DOEACC) for basic litrecy , valid in some Govt vacancies.

Computer Basics

SAMYAK's introduction to Computer World, for all first time users. Comprehensive and Practical Oriented Course.


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