Architecture and Interior Courses

Architecture Courses : Even Buildings and Interior Design Matters …

Engineers need to first understand, analysis and estimate everything on paper before actual work is started.

What We see from Outside

Architecture Courses

Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program

AutoCAD Architecture

Part of any College Syllabus , Basic Course for any Architecture Students. Its a commercial computer-aided design and drafting software application.

3Ds Max

3ds Max is a powerful 3D modeling and animation solution used by game developers, visual effects artists, and graphic designers to create massive worlds, stunning scenes, and engaging virtual reality (VR) experiences.

Google Sketchup

SketchUp is a 3D modeling computer program for a wide range of drawing applications such as architectural, interior design, landscape architecture, civil and mechanical engineering, film and video game design

Revit Architecture

Autodesk Revit is a building information modelling software for architects, landscape architects, structural engineers, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineers, designers and contractors

Inner beauty of any Building

Interior Designing

Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program

3Ds Max

3ds Max is a powerful 3D modeling and animation solution used by game developers, visual effects artists, and graphic designers to create massive worlds, stunning scenes, and engaging virtual reality (VR) experiences.

Interior Design Certification

3Ds Max with some essential software will make a package, that need to be learnt for a certified Interior Designer.

Interior Design Diploma

Everything that is covered above in Certification course and few more essential software that make it powerful and more job friendly.

Interior Design Advanced Diploma

Nielit (earlier known as DOEACC) issues certificates for Computer literacy course after an exam after 3-4 months of enrollment. Valid for all India level Govt Jobs.

The Overview of 3Ds Max Interface includes:

Naviagating the interface such as understanding the command panel and customizing the workspace. Basic tools and navigation including viewports and view controls, using gizmo for movement, rotation, and scaling, coordinate systems and snapping tools. Creating and managing objects comprises basic object creation such as standard primitives, extended primitives, object properties and transformations, and using layers and groups. the topics include modeling techniques such as polygonal modeling (editable poly techniques, sub-object editing: vertices, edges, borders, polygons, extrusion, beveling, and bridging), spline and NURBS modeling (creating and editing splines, using loft and lathe modifiers, NURBS surfaces and curves), and advanced modeling techniques (boolean operations and compound objects, ProBoolean and ProCutter, working with the FFD (free-form deformation) modifier). the subjects are Materials and Texturing, which include Introduction to Materials (Understanding the Material Editor, Applying and Adjusting materials, Standard vs. physical Materials), Texture Mapping (UVW Mapping Techniques, Unwrapping UVWs, Using Procedural and Bitmap Textures), and Advanced Texturing Techniques (Creating Custom Materials, Bump, Displacement, and Normal Maps, Multi-Subobject Materials). focus on Lighting and Rendering involving Lighting Techniques (Standard lights vs. photometric lights, Using the daylight system, Creating realistic indoor and outdoor lighting), Rendering Basics (Understanding the Render Setup dialog, Using render elements, Setting up cameras and viewpoints), and Advanced Rendering (Introduction to V-Ray and Arnold renderers, Global illumination and caustics, Rendering settings and optimizations). cover Animation and Visualization with Basic Animation Techniques (Keyframing and timeline controls, Animating objects and cameras, Path and constraint animations), Camera Animation (Creating walkthroughs and flythroughs, Using the Camera Sequencer, Animating camera settings), and Advanced Animation Techniques (Particle systems and dynamics, Simulating cloth and fluids, Animation rendering and output).


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