Adobe Certified Associate (ACA)

Put the proof in your students’ portfolios

Adobe Certified Associate Exam (ACA) certification is the perfect place to recognize and inspire creativity in your students. It allows students to approach tasks and projects in new ways, working out solutions they couldn’t have seen before; and helping you as a teacher become involved with your student’s creative process on a new level.

Samyak offers ACA certification course for its students, a foundation for success by validating their digital skills, and offering you the ability to assess your student’s progress, engagement, and involvement.

Value of ACA certification

Edelman Intelligence recently conducted in-depth research on the impact ACA certification can have on the success of an aspiring creative professional.

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Key benefits

  • Measure success by incorporating exams into current courses
  • Prove students hands-on knowledge through authentic assessment of application experience
  • Meet the popular demand to validate skills in the Adobe applications
  • Take advantage of today’s industry standard digital software and official Adobe certification
  • Enhance your courses with free curriculum from Adobe Education, which maps to the exam objectives

View the Adobe Certified Associate exam demo

Earn an Adobe certification

An Adobe certification is an industry-recognized credential that effectively validates one’s skills in Adobe digital-media software. Get Adobe Certified in the following:

Adobe Certified Associate

Visual effects & motion graphics using Adobe After Effects

Adobe After Effects

Adobe After Effects is the industry-standard motion graphics and visual effects software. Create cinematic movie titles, intros, and transitions. Start a fire or make it rain. Animate a logo or character. With After Effects CC, the, you can take any idea and make it move.

Adobe After Effects: Exam objectives 

Multiplatform animation using Adobe Animate CC

With the evolution from Flash Professional to Animate CC, the Adobe Certified Associate certification is also changing. The Adobe Animate CC exam incorporates the updates and enhancements found in the new software. The Animate CC exam validates an individual’s skills using the premier animation tool. The ACA Animate CC exam proves a student has the skills necessary to create dynamic and engaging content required for a career in animation and design.

ACA Animate CC certification is available for the Creative Cloud (CC) version of Adobe software.

Adobe Animate: Exam objectives

Web authoring using Adobe Dreamweaver

Adobe Dreamweaver software is the industry standard for creating and editing compelling HTML-rich media websites and mobile apps. Through the use of Fluid Grid Layout, designers construct complex web designs with adaptive layouts for a whole new level of cross-platform compatibility.

Adobe Dreamweaver: Exam objectives

Interactive media using Adobe Flash Professional

Adobe Flash Professional is a powerful authoring environment for creating animation and multimedia content. Users design immersive interactive experiences that present consistently across desktops and multiple devices, including tablets, smartphones, and televisions. It is Adobe Certified software.

Adobe Flash: Exam objectives

Graphic design & illustration using Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator software is the industry’s premier vector-drawing environment for creating scalable graphics. Digital media gurus bring their unique vision to life with shapes, color, effects, and typography by using a host of powerful functions to make fast work of their most complex designs.

Adobe Illustrator: Exam objectives

Print & digital media publication using Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign is a powerful tool that sets the industry’s new standard for print and digital page layout. Offering pixel-perfect control over design and typography, users can create elegant and engaging page layouts for print or digital media. And with so many powerful new features, certified students verify more advanced skill using InDesign than their non-certified peers.

Adobe InDesign: Exam objectives

Visual design using Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the industry-standard image editing software, used worldwide by professional photographers, amateur photographers, and designers who want to perfect their digital images by going beyond what is captured by the camera.

Adobe Photoshop: Exam objectives

Digital video using Adobe Premiere Pro

With the rapid advancement of video and multimedia technology, Adobe Premiere Pro helps produce and edit productions more fluidly than ever before. And users don’t need a box-office budget to back their next great feature film—just the skills.

Adobe Premiere Pro: Exam objectives


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