CHNE Certified Hardware and Networking Engineer
Highest-paid professionals in the IT industry
Every industry needs a person,who knows EVERYTHING about that field. Hardware, Networking, CyberSecurity, All-in-One Job.
Courses in Highest Demand
CHNE - Hardware & Networking
“Learning from the data is actually universally valuable. Master it and you will be welcomed anywhere in technology world.”
A+ Hardware
Every server, computer, laptop, printer, laptop has lot of hardware within. Lets learn them in detail and try to repair wherever possible.
N+ Networking
World is so interconnected, communicating so well, Text, Voice, Video , FIles and everything need to be fast. Lets learn how.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user.
Soft Skills
Knowing everything matters, but presenting the knowledge to the audience maters more. Soft Skills will decide yes/no in job.