MATLAB or (Matrix Laboratory) is a high performance fourth generation programming language which is used for technical computing. It provides multi paradigm numerical computing environment and was developed by Math Works. It is used for integrating computation, visualization and programming so that the programming environment becomes easy to use.
It is used for several important purposes. Some of them are:
- It’s used for symbolic computation.
- Used for developing algorithm.
- Provides application of scientific and engineering graphics.
- Analysis of data, visualization, and exploration is conducted.
- Can be used for designing Graphical User Interface.
- Technical computation.
The most important feature of MATLAB is that it is used for calculating matrix and vector formulations in fraction of time.
MATLAB Training Course is most customized to suit the need of students.
2.5 Months including Lab
Undergraduates, Graduates
Job Aspirants
Electronics Concepts
Basics of MATLAB
- MATLAB environment
- Operators and data statements
- Different windows working
Basics of Software
- Software version and introduction
MATLAB Instruction and statement
Developing logic and concept
- Algorithm design in MATLAB
MATLAB GUI design and application
- Introduction to GUI design
- Commands to deal with GUI design
Data processing and visualization
Optimization techniques use in MATLAB
- Implementation of loops and statement
Signal processing
Image processing
- Playing with images
- Pixel reading using algorithms
Video processing
- Playing with video
- Pixel reading using algorithms
Image Vs Video processing
- Difference and similarity
MATLAB based Frame processing
- Implementing algorithm in frame processing
MATLAB based Pattern recognition
- Shapes and sizes recognition
- Implementing algorithm in recognition
MATLAB based Stagnography
- Introduction to stagnography
- Importance of Stagnography using MATLAB
- Hiding text using Stagnography
- Retriving text using stagnography
Color detection using reading pixel
- Finding presence and absence of objects using color
- Plotting of frame
- Subplot using MATLAB
- Blurr and Deblurr
- Importance of Blurr
- Making of key to deblurr and image
- Application of blurr and deblurr
- Example of Blurr and Deblurr
MATLAB based Image analysis
- Point processing
- Segmentation
- Corner, Edge, Flat detection
- Image transformation
Samyak IT Solutions Pvt Ltd is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company and has international level acceptance for its certifications. Students from Samyak are given preference in placements as they have proper hands on job related knowledge already, that any industry needs these days.
NSDC certification is aimed at improving the employability of individuals and making them more skilled and productive. The certification is available in a wide range of fields, including healthcare, beauty and wellness, retail, hospitality, IT, and many others.

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Thankuu Samyak

i came through a friend reference for the course but now i am fully satisfy...bcoz samyak providing practical knowledge and profecional training....

I recommend others to do Course from samyak.

I suggest to other for this course.

Good Environment & Peace of mind working.
I Like Samyak.

Each and every students are observed individually. Training and job are also provided here .All the students who join this institute don't regret.
Thankq Samyak.